The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

The behavioural patterns and proper training methods of dogs.

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Backspin and topspin on a football.


Fuck you @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy you stole my thunder here :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


They’ll get another day or two out of this.

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I just chimed in because this sort of discussion is right up my alley.

You add torque and force to any debate to be fair.

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There’s nowt more dangerous on TFK that a fella who thinks he’s right and has a bit of time on his hands.




The meaning of words.

Arts, specifically acting

I actually had to use the search function to find it. It’s been a difficult week for @EstebanSexface, his head must be topspinning / backspinning.


You mean the algorithm?


Kids, their psychology and their welfare.

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Greyhounds, their life expectancy and travel plans.

What a forum!!!

That may just be the weirdest subset of the entire place

The phrase “I’m not a virologist” marks a stunning philosophical shift on tfk. It confers an authority based on professed ignorance.
It could be a game changer.

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you’ve that title all to yourself

your only expertise is seemingly tfk itself. A strange creature

I think you’ll find I have many leather-bound books and my home smells of rich mahogany