The official TFK list of šŸ experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Oh andby the way @ChairmanDan a malicious prosecution would be well within their rights here given the circumstances of how many prosecution s did not go ahead due to similar transgressions during the lockdown

Dan the tan thinks heā€™s in Tanland and doesnā€™t understand the nuances of Irish law. These pesky foreignersā€¦

Doesnā€™t understand nuances but judging by his avatar loves nonces


I think itā€™s fair to point out yet again lads (seen as Dan is here playing the legal bigwig) that he hadnā€™t a breeze at the time. He felt woulfie was toast, not a hope he could carry on. He also felt that big Phil was safe, sure how could they touch him?
In fairness, who could be up to the wranglings of a foreign judicial system.


You might forgive her for thinking the uncle that we blew up was just one bad egg but now her own sonā€¦ All that inbreeding over generations had to have some ill affect. Wasnā€™t his last avatar of a wife beater?


Not to mention the fact he stated that Clare hadnā€™t beaten Cork in any significant championship game since the 90s

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Thatā€™s the whole wonder of it all. They should have just slapped them with s heavy fine. If the lads felt they were hard done by, let them appeal it and take it from there.

In fairness to @ChairmanDan. He is a big fan of the incestuous nature of the Irish courts, and he is a big sports fan, football in particular. I presume heā€™ll be snorting coke off a key to uproarious applause outside the courts for this, as is the way of the English fan.


Come on for fuck sake @Juhniallio , youve been typing for 10 minutes now

@iron_mike really throwing the toys out of the pram after getting pulled up for talking utter nonsense. Time to pull out the video of the 73 final to chill himself out.

Oh dear , dan is absolutely seething.

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Nuances of Irish law? Paddy models itā€™s legal system on English Common Law.

Big pile on there, nonce talk etc,

What brought that on?

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@Ironmike stated that if the boys in the golf trial were acquitted, the Garda that issued the summons could well face a malicious prosecution. I told them he was talking nonsense. That send him into tailspin.

Make sure to leave an apple and a box of roches on the table before you go back to your desk

No offence but itā€™s likely @ChairmanDan knows a bit more about the legal system than yourself. Pipe down and quit joining the bullies.


We donā€™t need another hall monitor on here.

Let them at it if they want.

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The Constitooootion.

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Usually I do but @ironmike explaining the legal system to @ChairmanDan would be like me giving you tips on how to be first in the queue at the airport.


Is Dan the Tan a legal expert?