The Official TFK NCT Thread

Just go off and buy a new fucking strimmers mate, no one will begrudge you it

Tiny test centre here with one toilet leading into the waiting room. Some 25 stone+ lad has just emptied his pre NCT nerves and left the most vile waft linger in the waiting room. Had to walk out for air.


It’s a pass.:tada::tada::tada::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Off to donedeal with this now


Car in the queue for the nct here. Nerves at me. Just had the best shite of my life. Poor fuckers in the waiting room.

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You had a shite in the waiting room?


NCT on Sunday morning @ 8.30am. Best time to go, as the toilet is clean for when you have a train in the station, and you’re not waiting around too long to get the car seen. The DNA rate is fairly high since I started booking that slot a few years ago.

The pass rate for our old bingo bus is fairly consistent as well;, have only ever had to repeat for visual defects. I don’t know is it because the boys are in good form on the Sunday because of the overtime or what, but I’ve been fairly lucky using this time slot. Hopefully will have passed it again before breakfast…

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took her car over to Kells there on Monday night for the 9 30pm slot, only a few people over there and 1 “mechanic” on patrol, In at 9pm and out the door passed at 9-10
55 euro lighter but a straightforward enough process


Is the nct getting a touch more “flexible” or is it just that the days of holding your exhaust and gear stick in place with a coat hanger wire and tesco bags respectively have passed?

Age profile of cars getting younger by the year. Anecdotally some centres havent enough tests to keep staff going

What test centre were you in?

I wasn’t actually in atest centre. It was just a bit of a joke.


I don’t think I’ve ever been asked for a Vehicle Reg Cert.

Checking in.

One failure. Only replacement bushings for steering needed this year. The 2004 bingo bus will be on the road for another year…


Signing in from Northpoint.

I will be fuming if my high performance vehicle doesn’t pass first time


Passed with flying colours.


Is there a flying colours box on the form?

The old reliable is back in for a check up. I don’t fancy my chances this time a lot of miles put on it since the last visit :see_no_evil:

Huzzah only a couple of small things that won’t require a retest :clap::clap::clap:


Th’oul MOT is a great yoke. Took the bike down yesterday for the test. Your man called me over and says “I have to show you this”, pointing to a nail straight in the middle of the back tyre.
“I’m putting that down as an advisory” :grinning:
He then told me that it was an mot fail as I had no rear reflector, if I hadn’t had a rear reflector, but fortunately I had one that must have fallen off on the way home after the test.

Did you “tip” him?