The Post Election Meltdown log Thread


Disc Jockey Niall Boylan

Tucker Carlson

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Professor Victor Davis Hanson from the Hoover Institution

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Whereā€™s he melting down? I find that hard to imagine.


In English please. I do appereciate you are frothing at the mouth

Sean Hannity

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Iā€™m seething, mostly because the Donald was fun, a lot of fun. Entertainment wise, he was box office. Didnā€™t agree with everything he did but he stuck it to the PC crowd and generally didnā€™t give a fuck, you have to admire the neck on him. Covid has ultimately cost him a second term.
Canā€™t imagine how boring it will be watching Sleepy Joe sniff young wanā€™s hair for the next four years.

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Laura Ingraham



Are you sure? I beginning to think TNH

You had lads crying for HBV last week as he entertained them with his hateā€¦ Now theyā€™re crying for Trump on the same grounds. Itā€™s fascinating to watch as the man says.


ā€œI donā€™t really support Trump but he stuck it to the snowflakes and waa waa waa :cry:ā€


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Your wonder about the mentality of these lads pining for the likes of HBV and Trump.Id say theyā€™re pussywhipped to within an inch of their lives at home and Trump and HBV are the kind of men theyā€™d like to be but arenā€™t allowed.


Living vicariously through lads on the internet, is that the new thing now?

I beg to differ. He went off on a bizarre paedo labelling crusade. Weā€™ll manage without him.

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The entire cast of The Five

Hannity in full meltdown mode two nights in a row :rofl: :rofl: