The Race for a Vaccine. The Road to Demaskus

The main difference now, though, is that medicines/drugs have very different (and much more stringent) safety testing regimes than biologicals, which vaccines are classed as.


But vaccines…


We must be getting near a % of herd immunity in the UK and a few more places at this stage

So herd immunity is real? … Big pharma won’t like that

One in four of us have it according to The Holy Man

I sneezed there earlier so I’m presuming I have it and isolating in my room for two weeks.

I’ve had frequent palpations for the last two weeks… I’ve read that palpations are a side effect of covid… they’re also probably a side effect of prolonged atin and drinking.

I think I’ll isolate for two weeks.

A nurse in St Lukes caught the virus early in the pandemic, had some symptoms but recovered and went back to work. In late November he was a close contact of a case and had to be tested again. He came back positive for the virus but had no symptoms.

At least they wont have covid

I am dubious as the reliability of the PCR tests.
Not a conspiracy nut like @glenshane , but I would have serious doubts as to how accurate they are. They seem to be detecting covid in asymptomatic people where there was very little likelihood of them catching covid.

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Tony thinks there will be multiples of deaths that were in November in December despite the fact that a statistically insignificant amount of people died “of” covid in November and December.

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Can we get a cert off Tony to show the missus so we don’t have to mind the kids?

Lads like you shouldn’t use the word conspiracy without a basic understanding of what it means.
What conspiracy have I pointed to…was it the one about the builder in Clare the one about viruses being patented?

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I should have used nutcases


A more accurate way of saying this was that PCR test found a trace of coronavirus RNA on a nasal swab. A positive PCR test result is not an indicator of illness. It is a wholly inappropriate test for what it’s being used for here.

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“a conspiracy nutcases”? Try again there buddy.

It’s bonkers really that this has never been questioned in mainstream media.

Interesting. The complaint at the start of all of this was a 30% false negative rate.

The number of asymptomatics from the virus always pointed to people having previous immunity to the virus from other Corona viruses. This is kept hush hush as they were worried that people would ignore advice. 27% of Irish nursing home residents who got Covid were asymptomatic for example, that is the most at risk grouping there is.