The Rapist Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Áras or bust

The path thereto must be narrowing. I know you’re on the wind-up but it’s difficult to see any individuals or figures in any form of authority getting into bed with him. :scream_cat: I wouldn’t get on a bus with the cunt on it…


Fortunately whether if Microsoft/Musk/Bezos or any other wealthy organisation decide to endorse this scumbag the electorate will promptly hand him his arse. Don’t be wasting your time on this gobshite…

Maybe if hutch gets elected next time?

We live in a country that lavishes a 94 room mansion on a champagne communist while weasel green eyed technocrats stop those that wish to provide for themselves and their families

Ah now. They don’t stop them wishing…but if they could tax wishing, that might be a thing

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He’s feeling deep heat

Sharon Keogan just topped the poll in the Industrial and Commerical Panel Seanad election on a platform of endorsing rapists and calling gay people paedophiles.

112 votes.


So you’d be a McGregor voter?

Flesh outbthe stopping bit please

We used to be a proper country is hardly strong enough in the wake of this news. Is there a saviour out there to rescue us?