The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

Interesting to hear Dan Levy back at full strength and pushing for starting XV. Nuts to think they thought to save him, they’d have to amputate his leg it was so badly mangled

I’m surprised to hear that, I really thought he was up Schitts Creek.

Interesting Porter is starting at loose head and Healy is moving to tight head.

Indeed. V interested to see how Healy will get on. He’s fucking mental to even consider it IMO

Ya it makes sense for Ireland anyway I’ve been saying it for ages.

Very interesting to hear Bernard jackman talk about how leinsters sub academy policy is beginning to back fire.

Why so? Don’t tightheads tend to last longer in terms of the length of their careers? Sub tighthead would see him having relatively few minutes, might prolong his career by quite a bit.

Couldn’t give you one other example of a fella making that move at this age. He would get a contract in France at loose head nó bother if he wanted to extend career

It’s way tougher on the body at th

Probably wants to go to another world cup and sees this as a vehicle?

Peter Clohessy albeit slightly younger

Highly unlikely he’ll make another World Cup. Possibly just a very good team player. Porter, Kelleher and Furlong could make a very formidable front row.

Perhaps. I don’t think any chance of that unless he is an exceptional TH. Will always have porter in squad to cover both sides

Switched opposite I think. TH to LH

There’s no obvious back up tighthead now, you need at least two. Prob sees it as a solid career opportunity.

John Ryan.

There is plenty lads who you would trust to be the back up TH before Healy I’d say unless it turns out he’d been in the wrong position his entire career!!!

Plenty? I mean it’s worth exploring anyway. Some people that know more than me about it seem to think so anyway.

Yep. Plenty until we see what he can do. He’s never propped at TH outside of training. He could end up in an awful heap. Grand opportunity to test it anyway tomorrow and hopefully he knocks it out of the park. He is a gutsy fucker to even try it. Very few would

Yeah sure it’s worth a crack anyway. It’s a position where you could really do with more that the bare two options and players seem to take a long time to develop there, so I think it’s worth a shot.

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