The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

Himself and Gunne played with St Michaels but there are a lot of ex Michaels involved in the club and teaching in the school. In fact, a lot of the lads playing with club are now teaching here aswell. All lovely lads, I might add.


How strong is the link between the club and the school?

Very close. We are adjacent to each other.

Yeah I’d know the place well. More wondering how much they cooperate to keep fellas playing after school is over etc. I wouldn’t have thought Blackrock school and club are particularly aligned for example

Huge. The club come in and speak to sct at end of year. Most of the lads playing down club would help out with various school teams. The link has got much stronger in past few years. Three of the first team down club, are on teaching staff as is head coach.

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Magic :clap::clap:

Not many schools that well tied into a club.

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Didn’t realise you were in the school! Our paths are likely to have crossed at some stage.

I’ve a brother who is on the 3 you mention.


I know him well, he is taking a couple of classes off me.


I wonder could Faz see about getting him to declare for Ireland?

That’s gas!!

Hit him a dig for me


The U20 team are absolutely walloping the Scots. 0-42 up after 36 mins

Niall Brophy RIP


Pipe in the music to take away from the shitfest.

Are ireland the only ones taking rugby seriously anymore?

You’ve hit him enough digs mate


Picture the scene. Fenners lines up junior richie. Bang!
JR : what the fuck!??
FP : Ha. Thats from your bro!
JR : Which bro?
FP : Eh…LionelRitchie… ehm… you see I’m on this website…

82 7. An unmerciful beating.

Ireland are dominant physically now allied to the quality of coaching which has always been top class with a succession of 20s teams for a long time. Quinn from Minster in back row is underage again next year and looks physically ready to be a full international.

Prendergast at 10 is sensational


Agree with all that. And they took the foot off the gas for 15 mins in the second half. I stopped watching at 60 something.

Italy beat Wales tonight and France hammered England. Rugby is more or less finished in the UK, lads who played it when they were growing up have seen the damage and don’t let their kids play.


Games gone?