The Rugby Thread (Part 1)

That’s a disgraceful decision to send the hun bastard off

Faz will read the riot act at halftime

Red card by textbook, but harsh. Thought Ireland knocked on before it. Back to football. Second half will be a rout.

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BOD staying loyal to the crown

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Lovely tribute to caleb powell, and others

The shame

Drico taking on Woodward here

That’s a real time not even a penalty, accidental collision but a slow motion red. These things have the game ruined and unless they ban contact altogether they will never legislate that out of the game.


The red card was harsh. There was no intent to be fair, but his tackle technique was poor.

@glenshane how would describe Rory Best’s accent

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He didn’t flinch, he had himself well hardened for the hit

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I don’t think he was trying to tackle him. They ran into each other.

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That makes it even better, the injustice john bull has to suffer on a colonial outpost

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I cant recall a more one sided refereeing performance. Will probably mask over some Irish failings as they run roughshod in 2nd half and might come undone in world cup. Shame as it was shaping up to be a very competitive game.

It’ll take more than two men and a hurley to win this one

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Of course - he was protecting himself like anyone would do in that situation. Saying that he should have known that he had a duty of care and adjusted his angle accordingly in a millisecond just doesn’t make sense. He did what would come instinctively to any one.


Dour steel rod but unaffected…preferable to BOD’s faux, prince william inspired pluminess

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Rugby is a farce of a game now

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Have Ireland ever had a red card since this new rules inception. Seems it happens in every other game now.

Montafuck goise