The Safe Space thread

Itā€™s a game changer, heā€™ll be driven demented :grinning:

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All good and yourself? Stopped off in Portlaoise last week, used the Circle K there by the Garda station, a whore to get in and out of

Oh a dead loss of a roundabout that. No coming nor going on it. Itā€™ll be a big difference once they open up the link road just opposite OMP to the Timahoe Rd.

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Rent free

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What did @balbec say it that last message? I dont want ti take him off ignore

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The private group will be unreadable when the Limerick lads turn on each other

But again, the new ignore is blissful

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Iā€™ve been driving them all out of the group actually. Thereā€™s hardly anyone left.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: A total irrelevanceā€¦from today my enjoyment of tfk has reached new levels


I doubt Iā€™m the only one that blocked him. Soon his internet life will be like his real life, dull and a loner. Might go up on Thursday to visit him make sure his alright.

Truthfully I feel like a God right now.

I now know how Kev used to feel.


Whatā€™s this about

Me winning.

You donā€™t strike me as a winner

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Keep spamming like that other useless cunt and youā€™ll be ignored by all. Just a piece of advice waylon

Iā€™ll spam your face in if you donā€™t show some respect.

Earn your fucking stripes first then weā€™ll talk.

You came at me, be careful.

Itā€™s the same fella, this Smithers needs to be Deleted too

Iā€™ve added him to my ignore list. A great job this.

Further improvements, hidden content has been replaced by ignored content :clap:

Great feature