The Sallins Train Robbery

Iā€™ll give it a listen for sure.

We only recently had a judge say the Garda commissioner was not believable when giving evidence. After she had lost a load of phones the judge wanted as evidence.


What happened in Limerick?

Was it not the case that there were a few big hitters and they were nailed and that was the end of it?

Ya pretty much. They put a serious squeeze on the head guys. Following them everywhere.
Eventually they got a bird to turn informant and that was the final nail in the coffin.

You also had a Supernintendo swear on oath that McCabe had said in a meeting he was out for revenge. It was only when McCabe brought in a recording of the meeting that he retracted this statement. The judge, for some reason, didnā€™t include this in his report. The Supernintendo was late promoted.

Another miscarriage Iā€™d say

The concerns raised about the Special Criminal court etc may be real - but thatā€™s not why Sinn Fein are against it.

SF oppose it because the 'Ra lads hated it. Simple as.

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Iā€™d like to see a special criminal court for white collar criminals.

Well your SF buddies donā€™t agree with you there unfortunately.

Do they not?



I think there is a lot of truth in this; regardless of your political allegiances, youā€™d recognise that

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The whataboutery from the SF Ra stoolers is off the charts.

They see a shot at government and the sniping is getting to them in case the blow their chance up.

FG FF soft on white collar crime.

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This is also correct.

Abused by superintendents for years, FFS and hidden evidence etc

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , Is it true that an ex-poster
Is closely related to a member of the Heavy Gang?


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