The Seething thread


Rent free in this skangers head. Delightful

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That’s one of the posts of the year right there :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Ooooft of the year

Its totally made up you spineless little sniveller.

I already wished the real wexford fans well. Fair weather cunts like mac who were on here giving it licks when dublin beat galway for some reason and then doesnt even go to the final can take all the shots going. Poor binky has no argument in the dublin funding so jumps in here with the gang.

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So were you at the 2017 final?

No one bit of this is true, but a few harmless cunts think its cutting wit

I wasn’t no, i had other commitments, i was thousands of miles away. Whats it to you anyways?

This is a disgusting attack on a mans personal life.

Jaysus, he’s back for more :laughing:

Its all he has as he can’t debate dublins financial doping so joined this when the crowd was with him. A weak weak character

You’re doing some explaining here. Fair play. @mac obviously had other commitments today too but that wasn’t good enough for you. Ya humpy cunt.

So living permanently 12 hours flight away with plans abroad that weekend is comparable to a weekend in a sun resort. Are you more than a bit dim?


The little sniveller is in with the emojis. Bless


If you couldnt make it you couldnt make it pal. No biggy. Only an oul game of ball sure


Ah if i could i would but life aint that straightforward. As i predicted at the time i didn’t see them winning another one so a bit sickening. Its fascinating to see the mouthpieces on here who are quiet as mice normally trying to have a go now though

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It’s disgusting.

No denial of the wank sock either :smile: