The Seething thread

What are weanlings? Young cows?or banbhs

Young cattle that have been weaned off their mother’s. Usually at around 9 months or so.

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Thanks,I love all the farming reality programmes on tv but haven’t a clue even though my late mams family were all farmers

What’s the deal with them…avoid the ones with the adjustable suspension or something?

Piers Morgan is having a kinipchen

On what thread?

@croppy_boy in the United Ireland thread.

Emotionally untethered by the prospect of a United Ireland.

Ah that’s hilarious, someone questions your ‘team’ and you throw the toys out of the pram once more.

Never change dude, never change.

Calm down dear.

Is that nicer with rice or chips?

its gone to full blown conniption

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That Charles Michel sitting there like a fucking gonk watching her.


Alan Shatter

Still doesn’t possess a scrap of insight

What’s this about?

Edit, just saw it. The man is the very definition of narcissism

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He still can’t see the parallels between what he did to McCabe when he misled the house about his cooperation without talking to him first and the approach guerin took

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tenor (12)

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an old one from Harrass. hes utterly seething with VinB

It starts with his first sentence “Predictably, the usual suspects Conor Cruise O’Brien and Eoghan Harris, were gushingly approving, over the weekend of the revelations of IRA machinations offered by the self proclaimed informer Sean O Callaghan.” Limp language apart band the style is the man the stock phrase the usual suspects has no political content. It is simply a sneer in the patois of Phoenix or An Phoblacht a signal of solidarity to all those still selling the peace process.

When did Eoghan Harris first start to support the Peace Process?