The Seething thread

2 in a row? Itā€™s Limerick heā€™s talking about isnt it? If youā€™re counting taking breaks for not being as good as Tipp, then Kilkenny did 8 in 10 years didnt they?

I donā€™t think they could have any claim to it

Who is saying this?

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I dunno mate, you just said they won 2, Iā€™m pretty sure it was 3 at the very least anyway.


The post you linked. @Your_Mums_Athletic is the fella

Ah shtap. I coukdnt read it such was the level of seethe in it

While Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, why did you name Tipp in there? 1 in a row teams certainly shouldnā€™t be in the convo.

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Its the need to breed the madness out of themselves. Dont want to be a county of habsburgs

Because Tipperary won it in 19. It would put a dent in the argument that Limerick are the greatest team ever.


Imagine they did six in a row.

Not sure I said two in a row anywhere?

In all fairness, I donā€™t think anyone is seriously arguing that Limerick are the greatest team of all time or that Tippā€™s all Ireland in 2019 wasnā€™t a fluke.

No one said they were the greatest team ever but rather that a win this year would have them on the cusp. The cusp is an important destination but itā€™s still remains the cusp. But you canā€™t be the greatest team ever without getting to the cusp so the cusp in itself is a significant achievement but still short of being the greatest. But you canā€™t achieve greatness without cuspness.


In sport, we all want to label players and teams as the GOAT. In reality, you can only be the best player/team of your generation. All games evolve and it makes it impossible to compare players/teams across generations.


You had lads doing fanny farts here when they werenā€™t awarded the 15 All Stars. In fairness Iā€™d never heard Kilkenny going on about only getting 9 All Stars when they had the most dominant team of all time.


Read back up the thread thereā€¦

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That was only @iron_mike in fairness :slight_smile:

They used to get fierce upset over a lack of goalie all star iirc. Which ironically is taxing Limerick fans too

Agreed pal. Fruitless argumentsā€¦ But for the sake of the internet, itā€™s very important.



Multiple posters dancing to my tune here for the past 24 hours. Exceptional stuff.