The Seething thread


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So was Blair and Starmer may have to prostrate himself at the alter of Murdoch yet, like Blair did.
Quiet centrists need to get louder. The wingnuts have taken over tanland.

Iā€™d be disappointed if you hadnā€™t.

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Heā€™s a savage man to float concrete

What a postā€¦

You kept quiet about racism because an admin here wrote it, werenā€™t man enough to call it out. And then you write this without a sense of irony. Un fucking believable

Yeah. Both things are exactly the same. Good man.

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As wildly inane as that post is you donā€™t get to keep asserting that shite about racism. Especially not you. Take a few days off for yourself and if you want to continue with that bullshit then set up your own forum where you can make your own rules and pretend youā€™re important over there.


Jaysus. Rangers lost today. Thought youd be in good form

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Great moderating. Hopefully moroonandwhiteonly takes time to reflect during his ban.


Scandalous journalism

I havenā€™t been following Moron and White much but I always assumed he was a pure harmless cratur like @Horsebox who just got a bit transfixed on ridiculous shit. A ban seems harsh unless Iā€™m just missing something obvious.


I tried out the new loupe yesterday. Itā€™s like looking through a stained glass window.

Now the paranoia in me is thinking they sent only one on purpose. As if they sent two bad ones Iā€™d probably send them back.

Cheap Chinese shite from Amazon.

Dont know how you can afford cheap stuff mate. All my loupes are from swarovski or zeiss

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A loupe fiasco


Hard luck with the toupƩ @habanerocat


How much?

Why do you use them for?
To check out all the engagement rings thrown back at you, to make sure they didnā€™t rob the diamond? :wink: :wink: :wink:



Iā€™d say they think your a bit of a louper!

One of these would be the berries. About 10-20K.
Any retired doctors out there with one going spare?

If a man could invent a loupe that you could wrap around the vision range of the japā€™s eye to alert for crabs and other wild itches and ailments, you could be onto a winner.

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