The Seething thread

Personally I measure a country’s quality of life exclusively on the basis of how strong that country’s air force is and I can’t understand why anybody would apply any other criteria.


I’m all for free speech but insulting our airforce is a step too far.


I can see this really pissing Jim Gavin off

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Dead right How dare they. Our air force is among the finest in the world

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Tramenjus bantz :grin: :grin: :grin:

No mention of David Blanchfield fouling the ball in the build up to TJ Reid’s late score that put two between the sides. As clear as day that he threw the ball up to himself and caught it.


Was that not blown as a free?

Nope. Move ended off with a TJ Reid point to make it 1-20 to 1-18. Dave McIntyre alluded to it on the commentary.

He must have done it twice so.

I’ve done it myself. I don’t think it’s intentional but rules are rules.

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Rory “Gaffs” Hearne is hopping

Is he what would termed in DĂĄil elections "a single issue candidate "? What influence would he have on housing policy from the EU? Is it just to get his name out there before a general election?


Rory is an alright sort.

I was thinking of giving him a vote. The list of candidates in the Midland North is very poor. I probably wouldn’t put him in as a TD but a left leaning lad in Europe would be no harm. I knew him a bit in college and, agree with him or not, he is genuine in his beliefs. He used read left leaning literature on the bus to hurling matches


He used be associated with People before Profit or similar. Standing for the Social Democrats a move to the right for him.

I’m in the same constituency and there doesn’t seem to be many inspiring candidates so I was thinking he’d get some preference from me alright. He’s not the worst of them, by a stretch

Had a look there. Some high level far right headbangers there actually - Barrett, Hermann Kelly, John Waters, etc.

His kids were in the same school as mine. Met him.around the birthday party circuit a bit. Doesn’t take himself too seriously in real life and loves the hurling

Waterford originally?

Yeah. He lives or lived in Marino. Not sure why he is standing in North Midlands.

Maybe the Maynooth connection gets him in there ? :man_shrugging:

Thats probably it.