The Seething thread

I believe Fintan was also adopted, what a coincidence. :astonished:

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Jesus thatā€™s rough.

Did @flano hijack one of your accounts?

Mate, one of these days, some lucky woman will become your partner for life and youā€™ll either do IVF or adopt some kid and they will be very lucky to have you as a father. You mightnā€™t be able to have kids biologically, but youā€™ll be a great Dad to someone.


I think itā€™s a bit shitty not paying for parking. You seem to think youā€™re different from everyone else and donā€™t have to pay. Just fucking pay for it like everyone else has to.

Iā€™d absolutely agree though that you should claim for fucking everything with your tax.

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If i can avoid getting out of paying for parking discs to Limerick county council with my hard earned cash your damned right i will avoid it. Iā€™ve saved hundreds of hundreds of euros in the last 15yrs and not had one fine (ā‚¬40). They donā€™t deserve for me to pay for parking, since theyā€™re not able to catch serial parking disc dodgers (me). I plan to save tens of thousands of Euros using my wits against parking wardens before i die, hopefully well into my 90s still driving.

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And youā€™ll be the same one giving out about people evading paying their tax.

I pay my taxes in full. Itā€™s a different thing. Iā€™m not a mug with my money paying for something i can easily avoid. Iā€™m just using common sense. You know itā€™s not a crime, right?

If there was a Things I like about Ireland thread Iā€™d put into it the way random strangers give you their parking disk when theyā€™re leaving their spot with plenty of time to spare, Iā€™d be surprised if that was common anywhere else in the world and itā€™s the only time Iā€™d ever have a disk up


That warden in NCW doesnā€™t check for parkikg discs. Youā€™ve 2 free hours on parking in NCW anyway.

He only gives tickets to those illegally parked. (Double Yellow lines or in a disabled space)

If youā€™re looking for parking in NCW, go up to the car park at the back of Dooleys SuperValu. :wink:

Iā€™ve done that occassionally myself, foregoing the potential tax deductible cc @Bandage

Somebody did the equivalent of that for me in Italy last year and in Cornwall this year. There is goodness in people wherever you go , I find. But I do like the way the Irish think they are some kind of a special race.


I passed the traffic warden up town. He was ticketing some poor person who actually put up a disk but was parked in a loading bay.

Youā€™d always get that in England. An inherent decency always exists in people. But Mick the Muldoon always has to think he is special and the best in the world


Massive irony here with yourself accusing somebody (or an entire nation) of thinking theyā€™re better than everybody else. :rofl:
Of course everything is bette wherever you are, Iā€™d expect nothing less, Iā€™d say your superiority rubs off on everybody around you.

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I have feet of clay.

I canā€™t be bothered to look that up mate so Iā€™ll take your word for it.

Itā€™s an expression that people use when they are admitting that they are imperfect.

Dropping the Mrs off at the bus stop yesterday and drove on a bit as didnā€™t want to stop in the middle of the road. She said in a threatening manner that sheā€™d better not miss the bus and that other people would stop in the middle of the road. When picking her up I parked behind the bus which I thought she was on. Unknown to me she was on a bus behind trying to get in to where I parked. I was trapped and couldnā€™t get out. The driver rightly gave me the bird and called me all the names under the sun. My mrs witnessed all this, hopped in and said I shouldnā€™t have parked there.


You just cant win.