The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

thanks mate

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Footix Alert

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I had to block this user on twitter due to the constant aggression, i get it on whatsapp & on here, im asking for an infraction

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Theres an ignore function on here mate


Rovers lost 3 matches according to the group table? Having said that Rovers are top of the group if you read the group table upside down.

Like a local amateur musical and variety group with their videoing

There must have trouble at previous games too given Rovers had to play a massive European game in front on a half empty (free) stadium?

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when you pay rent for something it isnt free mate

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Adults acting like kids. Pathetic football fans.


as opposed to adults beating up kids in the GGA


He left the door open there tbf.


That merited an immediate ‘oooft’ response from yourself.

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Dublin is done

They spend too much money!
They contribute nothing to the country!

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It’s the Jarry Adams coffee shop theory in action, except with cans.

That third photo is a great one. There’s all God’s creatures there.