The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

He’s probably recorded in Denmark

Tremendous stuff.

Paddy and mick were going to introduce lock down in Dublin after dark over the incident.


Where did you see this reported? Its hardly…more lies?

Did they even visit the father in the hospital while they were here? I see the father has a new gofundme page for himself. The sons must have nothing to do with him normally and seen a chance to make a few quid and sneak off back America. Pair of cunts

He wants to raise enough money to allow him to move to the West Coast of Ireland apparently

The lads spent €50k odd on a few days in Ireland

He must have stayed in Temple Bar for a week

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Bloody foreigners

look the head on them, you know they are wrong uns

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Is that Joe Rogan with the baseball hat? He is good at the Dublin accent in fairness

Big baldy lad on the left.

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Shane Gillis is yourmans name

Dublin is some kip

You’d lose little if you emptied it

Dog did a great job filming that.


Reminds me of that film @manaboutdog
