The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Was that our first dual carriageway.

The first I could recall.

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Stillorgan ?


Scratch that

The N11 has been gradually upgraded from single to dual carriageway standard from the 1950s to the present, with improvements taking place at an accelerated pace in recent years. The first short stretch of dual carriageway on the road, and the first stretch of dual carriageway in the Republic of Ireland, was built in the 1950s between the Stillorgan Road/Newtownpark Avenue junction (White’s Cross ) and Foxrock Church (this stretch was substantially widened around the turn of the millennium). Subsequent short stretches of dual carriageway, at Loughlinstown, between Bray and Kilpedder, and from Donnybrook to Stillorgan were constructed during the early to mid-1970s, this phase ending with the opening of the Stillorgan bypass in October 1977. Since that time, these sections have been joined up through further improvements.

N7 - Naas Road


Naas Road section of the N7 after upgrading.

From the M50, the N7 passes south of Clondalkin leaving the city as part of the Naas Road. (The Naas Road begins at the Grand Canal as a regional road (R810), a continuation of the Tyrconnell Road. It continues 3.4 km southwest to the M50 motorway, at the Red Cow interchange, where it becomes the N7.) The N7 route continues in a south-west direction with 3 lanes of traffic each way towards Naas for approximately 15 km (9.3 mi). Construction of the third lane commenced on 4 January 2005 and concluded on 14 August 2006 (thumbnail left); having been originally dualled between 1963 and 1968.

Give me the like I’m owed you shithouse.

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Near Newlands Cross. She was shot at a junction which no longer exists. Boot Road.

Any decent coastal walks near Dublin City?Ideally on dart line

Does anyone know if the Bray to Greystones walk is open these days? Used be a great walk.

You could do Howth Head either. Or Poolbeg.

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Bray to Greystones is still closed afaik amid much local consternation.

I was going to say Howth too (cc @SAFE). Last stop on the northbound dart but make sure you’re on the Howth line & not the Malahide one. There are 3 or 4 different routes of varying length (colour coded & signposted) & you end up back in the village where you can enjoy a spot of lunch.


One of my favourite walks is Seapoint, Dun Laoighre, Sandycove, 40 foot, Bulloch Harbour, Dalkey, Vico Road to Killiney beach.


Was going to say, just walk out along the coast from Sandymount.

Thanks all.plenty to work with there

Bring boots for Howth

Dart to malahide. Walk along the coast to porto. Walk down along the beach for 2 k to the far entrance. Back through the dunes and along the estuary. Bit of grub in little green. Pints drugs and salmonella in the widows. 1k walk to the dart after. About 9k in total

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Been a while since I’ve been in the schmoke on my own. Having a Zaytoon before a gig. If I was 30 years younger the result would be no different but still, great talent on show.


Who you off to see?

Slomosa. Met a fellow Loughrea man at the next table in Zaytoon. He was off to a gig in Whelan’s.