The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)


Bullshit. The dog was too white to be shot.

Bits of it were brown.

They’d probably have shot it so. And who could blame them? They have a very difficult job. cc @anon7035031

I’m sure you’ll be delighted to hear 17 cops have been shot and killed so far in 2019.

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Shame the cops didn’t have guns on them and then they could, oh wait.

We’re talking about cops shooting innocent civilians, try to stay on topic.

Actually the topic is cops killing innocent dogs, do try and keep up.

Gone mad on the spice bags

what the hell is a spice bag

There was 4 of them in Croke Park last Friday night .


These cunts need to be birched

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The location is enough of a hint

I walked along the notorious Liffey boardwalk there at lunch time. A few quare hawks drinking, some office workers relaxing. No trouble at all.

Always a relief to emerge unscathed from a stroll down the city centre at Friday lunchtime.

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Probably a faadur’s day misunderstanding…

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Liveline will be interesting tomorrow as joe will have the locals on and he will regale us with his intimate knowledge of Ballyfermot.

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Is 50 people a riot nowadays? That’s the way it’s gone now.