The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

It certainly would have some impact. When the alternatives are no housing though I’m not sure that’s a reason to stop build

They’re trying to jam though a lot of these super estates via ABP, skirting regular permissions.

Fuck it, build away as long as not too much expense to existing community. Cant imagine anyone would be ok with a 14 storey apt complex looming over their home tho

Pat Kenny is already blocking about 75% of developments in South Dublin so there’s not much work for other NIMBYs to do.


Cunts head is that big, he has to go to ABP to put on a hat leaving the house.

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I see there was a pitched battle on the Samuel beckett bridge with two groups running at each other from either side war of the buttons style.
Hopefully they were within their 5k

Waiting for Guardo


They’ll do well to be in the right whatever happens


Holes need kicked severely ( the parents first)

Looks like the South Inner City struck first and then retreated into a defensive shape.


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Pearse St Massive ain’t nothing to fuck with

Absolute killings

Someone injured

Either they’re fucking dead or they’re not Mick, you absolute banana

Every week there’s a different incident down around there …Imagine what would be happening if we weren’t in level 5 lockdown…

A murder spree so bad it may have left someone injured

The southside crew got some fright when they ended up on the Northside there for a second. Ran for their lives

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“Up da Sheriff!”…

The two sides got together last year to bury the hatchet

There’s lads in that video that look old enough to know better …

Half of them are female by the looks of it