The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Fuck me is the White Horse closed that long?

I last drank in it 7 years ago

captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty lived at that address


designed the bull wall

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The old White Horse was a cracking pub . The soccer scarves behind the bar were class

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More Roll overs than a GAA lottery.

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Flann O Brien used to drink there.

A hazlenut frappuccino is your only man


He used to drink everywhere

In the end Was the white horse not an early house rave ? remember queuing one morning and there was lads in tracksuits and vests waiting to get in…the chancery up the other end of the quays was a similar type set up a ravey early house …


It was. Rough as fuck but they all were. Galway hooker in heuston was prob the best. The muldoons heading back to mammy would give you no heat


Dublin is over

Yeah completely. Lads would go there after a night on the personal to keep the party going.


Fucking hell. That could have been fatal

Fuckin vermin

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Hopefully their homes are raided at 3.30am and they are taken into protective custody as their parents can’t raise them.


An example has to be made here

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Should we step in?

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Yes scum kids from scummy parents