The Slot Machine šŸŽ° - Liverpool 2024-2025

FFS would you go way and chance the ride off some one at the wedding. Any single women there is hearing her clock tick


Arneee slottt

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Lads lashing out and getting defensive over English association soccer clubs while letting their local clubs die. Fair dues to ye.


Fairly insulting post match comments from Slot to Forest, calling them relegation fodder

Riding is nowhere near as much fun as taking the mick out of strangers on the internet over a foreign football club losing mate


The posting was horrific here yesterdayā€¦ Iā€™d imagine a certain poster will be keeping a low profile for a few days with embarrassmentā€¦ I mean, going to a wedding and posting on the Liverpool thread on tfk all day :smiley:ā€¦ It shows @Biff_Egan has him rattled to his core.

The old bible phrase springs to mindā€¦
ā€˜He that doth call the rattling is indeed the most rattledā€™


He that once came back from an e-sabbatical full of piss and vinegar in the wake of a Liverpool win definitely shouldnā€™t anyway.

Itā€™s great seeing all the top gamblers rallying around their guy.

You can get a lovely circular debate going where posters call each other ā€œrattledā€ repeatedly. Makes for brilliant reading

Some lads are great to dish it out but canā€™t handle getting it back.

A predictable enough meltdown from the one armed waiters.

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Any shift last night?

Shur he was up in his room watching match of the day and tagging biff eganā€¦


We go again. Coach Slot will take the lesson on board.

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ā€œWeā€™re doing shots at the bar, want to join usā€
ā€œNo can do, the Ratoath Boys are living rent free in my headā€

Thunderstruck starts up

ā€œC"mon lad, letā€™s hit the dancefloorā€
ā€œWill you whist, Iā€™m looking for an Andy Robertson memeā€.

ā€œHey lad, Iā€™ve lost my room key and canā€™t get in touch with any of the other girls. Fancy a nightcap?ā€

"Beat it bitch, Iā€™m waiting on a like from @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy "


He was better off without yer one calling him lad anyway, she sounds as rough as a badgers hole.


Wout weghorst with a ponytail :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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