The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)

Torture is a bit strong WTB.

Never was a huge nightclub fan - but I am fond of getting pissed every now and again.

Who pays any attention to the music in a nightclub…

Unless they are playing something rocking like Garth Brooks

.ekuP og ti teL

[quote=“The Puke”]Who pays any attention to the music in a nightclub…

Unless they are playing something rocking like Garth Brooks[/quote]

I used to, before I realised dancing to Bon Jovi gave you a much better chance of sex than giving out about them.

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This is a smashing tune.

The West Awake. The Tones do a decent version of it here actually.

eature=related"]YouTube - the wolftonesThe West Awake[/ame]

And here’s Joe McDonagh’s famous version after the 1980 All Ireland Galway victory over Limerick.

eature=related"]YouTube - The West’s Awake[/ame]

NOT WORK SUITABLE. Three hot birds in skimpy lingerie and the videos easily as steamy as it sounds.

I bet this will get more views than all of farmers videos put together.

Listen to the Aengus MacGrianna song. It’s genius. :smiley:


Listen to the Aengus MacGrianna song. It’s genius. :D[/quote]

These are fooking class. The Anthony Murnane one reminds me of Simple Kid.

‘You were involved in the News 2 overhaul.’ :smiley:

[quote=“Bandage”]These are fooking class. The Anthony Murnane one reminds me of Simple Kid.

‘You were involved in the News 2 overhaul.’ :D[/quote]

Don’t forget to check out Songs About Various Types of Stir-In Pasta Sauces too and Songs RE Don Conroy as Sole Survivor of the Apocolaypse.


[quote=“Bandage”]These are fooking class. The Anthony Murnane one reminds me of Simple Kid.

‘You were involved in the News 2 overhaul.’ :D[/quote]

‘Standing up informally instead of sitting down, It was truly rock and roll’ :smiley:

That’s a fuckin great spot thrawneen. The Lloyd Grossman song is brilliant as well, ‘it never seems to be on special offer, it’s for people who’s ambitions are loftier’.

The New Year - Reconstruction. Produced by Steve Albini. This is a live version though.

eature=related"]YouTube - The New Year - Reconstruction[/ame]

Two from Polly Jean Harvey

To Bring You My Love

Rid of Me

Swell - Down

This is a little gem from The Cardigans. Good old Nina.

You’re The Storm

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]This is a little gem from The Cardigans. Good old Nina.

You’re The Storm

YouTube - You’re the Storm- The Cardigans[/quote]

This is bloody fantastic.

Belle and Sebastian - Dog on Wheels


Played it on Ian Dempsey this morning first thing
A great way to start the day