The Smashing Tunes Thread (Part 1)

Libertines - Music when the lights go out


[quote=“myboyblue”]Not everyonmes cup of tea, but this was a college favourite for me

YouTube - Bush - Glycerine[/quote]

Had that posted a few months back

Great little ditty this.

Yo La Tengo - Griselda


Proper Irish punk.

Compulsion - Mall Monarchy

Featuring Jacknife Lee, U2 and REM producer, on guitar.



Dug out Outkast’s Stankonia album the other day, as good a hip hop album as there is, some belters of tunes on it…

Del la soul is the way to go Pukey…


:rolleyes: Great stuff. A serious throwback there.

Love this.


Lost your love of life?
Too much apple pie?




We are Scientists - It’s a Hit

We are Scientists - Great Escape. Savage tune.

Grant Lee Buffalo - Fuzzy


Luna - California (All the Way)


Luke Kelly - Springhill Mining Disaster


Perry Blake - Genevieve


Engine Alley - Infamy


Revelino - Happiness is Mine

(Apologies - babies laughing throughout this)


Whipping Boy - Beetle


Public Enemy - Rebel Without a Pause


Black Milk - Lookatusnow



Excellent unplugged live version of The One I Love


Frank Black solo collection

Los Angeles


Places Named After Numbers




Speedy Marie


Songs 2& 4 aren’t bad at all. 1st oneis utter shite though.
Never heard of them/him to be honest.