The Sport of Kings & Equine Matters 🐐

Fuck it the handbrake was on Speckled wood

Castle wings well beaten 2nd in limerick ok for ew backers

Sprinter returned with an irregular heartbeat

I think cause of causes is ridiculously short now.

Fucking busy all morning. Meant to back Pummba and tulkow tank.

Have cause of causes backed here.

Backed his one there in the bumper, looked coy enough when Gleeson asked him about it earlier

Mine just fell at the 1st there, horseracing is shit

Carberry with the arse cocked high in the air in last place.

Rockyaboya wins from cause of causes. Thought Victrix was sure to win coming down to last.

Gave up on Rockyaboya after his last few runs. Didn’t seem to have enough to win. Cause of Causes will win the Grand Annual or some other Cheltenham handicap.

AP went very wide the whole way round. It cost him

Kim Muir I’d say.

Who are we on for the last so lads?

I don’t know who the jockey is but that was an absolutely terrible job by him and he cost me a tenner.

I got a call and was told he was a ‘certainty’ for troytown. Ruby was mad to ride him but could not do the weight.

Fenners, who we on now?

Vibrato Valtat in last at Kempton.

:clap:PP paying 4 places :pint:

Had cause of, home farm and Vic all backed e.w

Gordon Elliot smoking.