Better record, if tied head to head if that’s tied then it’s a tie, that ok WYT?
Draft Grade Proj Record Proj Finish
B+ 12-3 3
Who writes this shit?
Yes that’s about as fair as we can lay it out!
Outstanding gents.
Next years 50 entry fee must be paid in full by whoever is placed lower to whoever is placed higher in the league table between the following Franchisess, Offensive Coaches and Raheem Mustards.
Thats a fine wager, someone bookmark this
It’s in good spirit there will be no aggro from either party and it will add a nice side show and banter to the league.
In fairness its only Galway who can compete with Limerick nowadays, cough
Drafting kickers is a mugs game
I made an awful balls of this whole thing. Didn’t even realise there are only 2 starting WRs. That would have changed everything.
OMG the head 2 head is in week 2, no bye week carnage to interfere with the bout this will be like a third AI final for the forum.
I will happily have the same wager with any other Limerick man brave enough to take me on
Im not sure what happened there. I’ve never played in a league with only 2 WRs
who’s the commissioner? write a letter
You can have 3 WRs? Flex.
The two WRs was the traditional format, better I think, this is the refined gentleman’s league, plenty of slagging but no abuse. And we’ll drink a pub in Galway dry at the Xmas do.
I like this
Have you hyphenated “gentleman’s” in the thread title? This could be the beginning of the end for you.