Hi Pol
Hi ball, hows life in the gutter?
Not bad and you? You still renting yourself in the phoenix?
Yep, but im off to Austrailia soon.
Oh yeah? Tell me more…
Im off to get a job as a zookeeper; there’s an opening since yer man Irwin got pierced by a stingray.
Oh i heard about that. That lad that used to keep annoying snakes and crocs. I have a joke for you: What did Irwin say just before he died?
Dunno, Pol. What
“Croakey” Ah haha ha ha ha ha.
Good one yeah; i feel sorry for the bloke though, he’s wife is after running off with Rolf Harris. Imagine that, he must have been shit iin bed.
I heard she was going to leave him anyway, cause he started bringing snakes and lizards into the bedroom. She prefers Harris’ Koala, i heard. Still the poor fooker must be spinnin in his grave.
What you mean? They havent put him in the ground yet. But when they do I’d say that the snakes will have their revenge, they’re gonna eat him for supper.
Ye wanna be careful ball, some of his family could be on this website.
Pfffff, not likely this thing has gone to shite.
So when’s the funeral?
Dont know, they are still waiting for the stingray to spit the rest of him out.
They asked me to say a few words at the funeral.
Oh really, what are you going to say?
I’ll probably use it as a platform to launch my new book “From Rent to Riches,” sure the Aussies are stupid bastards. They will probably show up loaded and forget why they came. Im gonna slip the priest a score and get him to say a quick prayer and fook him off the side of a cliff when no one is looking.
Yeah good one Pol. Why couldnt steve irwin get into his car?
Heard this one Ball, he forgot his khaki’s.
Yeah, spot on mate.
Where are you working? Still at the ole accountancy?
Yeah but im starting a new job with the army: testing drugs etc for them.
Oh cool, nice one mate, how much wonga is that payin.
500 bucks a go, and an extra grand for every new arm i grow.
Sweet as a nut mate i might join that too, i have an idea…
Im all ears
Are you? Is that due to the drugs too.
Yeah, i ve a load of them popping up all over the place. But I’ll keep my ear to ground for you.
Eh drugs again?
You said it.
Any plans for the weekend?
Probably sit around scraching my nut.
Oh right, i was going to ask if you wanted to come over and watch the video where Irwin gets killed, but since youve plans maybe another time?
Ah yeah right on Pol. Talk to you later. Take is ham and cheesey.
Yeah see ya ball, best of luck with the book 8)