The talk to yourself thread

Hi Pol

Hi ball, hows life in the gutter?

Not bad and you? You still renting yourself in the phoenix?

Yep, but im off to Austrailia soon.

Oh yeah? Tell me more…

Im off to get a job as a zookeeper; there’s an opening since yer man Irwin got pierced by a stingray.

Oh i heard about that. That lad that used to keep annoying snakes and crocs. I have a joke for you: What did Irwin say just before he died?

Dunno, Pol. What

“Croakey” Ah haha ha ha ha ha.

Good one yeah; i feel sorry for the bloke though, he’s wife is after running off with Rolf Harris. Imagine that, he must have been shit iin bed.

I heard she was going to leave him anyway, cause he started bringing snakes and lizards into the bedroom. She prefers Harris’ Koala, i heard. Still the poor fooker must be spinnin in his grave.

What you mean? They havent put him in the ground yet. But when they do I’d say that the snakes will have their revenge, they’re gonna eat him for supper.

Ye wanna be careful ball, some of his family could be on this website.

Pfffff, not likely this thing has gone to shite.

So when’s the funeral?

Dont know, they are still waiting for the stingray to spit the rest of him out.

They asked me to say a few words at the funeral.

Oh really, what are you going to say?

I’ll probably use it as a platform to launch my new book “From Rent to Riches,” sure the Aussies are stupid bastards. They will probably show up loaded and forget why they came. Im gonna slip the priest a score and get him to say a quick prayer and fook him off the side of a cliff when no one is looking.

Yeah good one Pol. Why couldnt steve irwin get into his car?

Heard this one Ball, he forgot his khaki’s.

Yeah, spot on mate.

Where are you working? Still at the ole accountancy?

Yeah but im starting a new job with the army: testing drugs etc for them.

Oh cool, nice one mate, how much wonga is that payin.

500 bucks a go, and an extra grand for every new arm i grow.

Sweet as a nut mate i might join that too, i have an idea…

Im all ears

Are you? Is that due to the drugs too.

Yeah, i ve a load of them popping up all over the place. But I’ll keep my ear to ground for you.

Eh drugs again?

You said it.

Any plans for the weekend?

Probably sit around scraching my nut.

Oh right, i was going to ask if you wanted to come over and watch the video where Irwin gets killed, but since youve plans maybe another time?

Ah yeah right on Pol. Talk to you later. Take is ham and cheesey.

Yeah see ya ball, best of luck with the book 8)

That is absolutley classic Ball Ox. Im just wondering how much thought went into it :slight_smile:

Hiya Pol, this is the captain of your ship calling

Hey ball what ye up to?

Not much dude, sitting here picking my arse. do you think that this forum is gone fooking shoite lately?

Lately? Its always been cock, mate. Speaking of cock, are you going to the Phoeno tonight.

Yeah man, im meeting up with Matheson.

hows the street life treating you?

fairly rough, i had the arse torn offa me last night. startin to think of getting back into the ole accountancy game

Sounds like cock to me. You got any more Stevie Irwin jokes?

Yes mate, check this one out. Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Crocodile who?

Crocodile hunter got barbed by a sting ray

Wha, fair play to ye, boy-ah, good one

Did you hear it was reported in the star that he had a child with a snake?

Ah heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww
thats bleeding ooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll, i didnt think his wife was that bad.

No? me neither mate, but shes bouncin offa Rolph Harris at the moment while the children are getting counselling downstairs, what a geebag

I hear she’s puttin out to strangers, i might call over and get a bit of action, id say shes a filthy slapper… like all women

Too right. Cha


Cha cha choo choo

Did you hear the exams are finishin today.

Yes mate, the website is going to get very busy on monday when all the FAE scabs are back

Too right. Pete Doherty is a spaz. did they ever catch that guy who was doin all the smiting.

Dont know, sure the administrators dont know their arse’s from their elbow, anyone with an even rudimentary understanding of IT, (with an advanced degree in web security) would have nailed that guy like a stingray with Stevo Irwin, a couple of people were saying it was you Pol?

No, not me honcho. I think its probably people smiting themselves for being on such a downright two-bit, amateur sham of a forum.

Yeah i think youre right ball, but isnt it ironic that you are using the very medium which you are dissatisfied with to decry it?

Eh wha? Sorry i didnt go to boarding school, i dont know what the fook you are talking about. But you are right, im leaving this website for good it ball ox. Ye wanna go to the football 365 website and try to get banned from it?

Yeah lets go.

See you later loosers, bon voyage. Time for this bird to fly, this stingray to swim and stevie irwins dirty tramp of a wife to put herself about. 8)

Hi guys :-*

anyone want an improvised conversation?

yeah go on so. things are slow today, so humour me

I have an idea to pass the time,
Lets speak in rhyme…

So dont hold back WOW,
Its your turn now…

I have an idea to pass the time,
Lets speak in rhyme…

So dont hold back WOW,
Its your turn now…

fuck off you, i’m too slow
I just want a filthy ho…

but her pimp said no
so instead i sniffed some bolivian snow

Well if you want a filthy ho,
to Stevie Irwins wife you should go,
Its only 5 AUD a blow.
Huh! Sure she never says “no”

Riddle me this, riddle me that
Who, on this forum do you think is a twat???

Go off for a piddle
While I think of a riddle

A twat is eamo
who is here no moro

He didnt move to here
as he’s probably queer

Yo ho, yo ho,
about eamo I know

He’s been busy recently,
With the FAE, you see

His absence was not long,
Seems like yesterday since he was gone,

Billy bong, billy bong
I think the administrators are wrong,
I mean they censor us - ALL DAY LONG!
Mind you, id like to see BA in a thong

Hidee hi, hidee hi
Is that all you got WOW?
Come on guy!

Ring-rongs, ring-rongs
BA and Rock, both are mongs

Seen as our friend Ball-ox went mental last night, I thought I’d flick trough the archives and fish out the best thread he started and resurrect it.

And this is what you came up with?

So Brian how the hell can you post youtube videos without looking foolish.

Post edited by: Captainshan, at: 2007/08/28 17:58

Post edited by: Captainshan, at: 2007/08/28 18:02

Bandage wrote:

And this is what you came up with?

what would you put in there bandage?

Nothing. I don’t think the chap is funny. He seeks a lot of attention - maybe he needs a hug?

Ahem Capt Shan. Why exactly did you post that video? So bloody random its funny

Browsing through play and saw this and I said what a theme tune. I did eventually find out how to post a youtube video.

maybe he should set up a website and beg his mates to sign up just so they can hear him talk ball ox all day about stuff that 1: He knows nothing about, because he doesnt play sport, but he goes on about it like he’s the pope and 2: Nobody cares; did you read the liverpool thread: “They are going to play the everton song at the match, oooohh” “I dont think that will be a proble” “Me neither”

i dont think he’s seeking attention, whoever he is…