The Terrible Joke Thread



Did you know Raymond Burr made only two seasons of Ironside.

He was sick of being pushed around…

One summer a young family moved into a vacant house. One day builders turned up to renovate the vacant house next door. The 5 year old daughter took an interest whilst out playing and the builders adopted her as a mascot and they’d give her little jobs to do to make her feel important and let her sit with them at tea time and lunch breaks and they’d give her biscuits etc.
At the end of the 1st week they even gave her an envelope with €5 in it as ‘pay’.
Her mum was thrilled and as she was going to the bank suggested the little girl start a bank account with her ‘pay’
The teller chatted to the little girl and asked if the money was a birthday present ‘no’ she said ‘I was working all week with the builders working next door’
The teller was very impressed and asked the girl ‘So will you be working with them next week again then?’
‘Dunno’ said the little girl ‘It depends if those cunts from Chadwicks deliver the fucking plasterboard or not’


Plagiarism is never pretty. Expected better out of you

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@maurice_brown tells it better.

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Typical proddy behaviour trying to claim it as his own

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The old ones are still the best.

Thanks for reminding me, your rent is due.

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I’m lost.

Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

I do.

Is this some sort of Hawaiian joke?

I think it’s a rape joke

I was at a stag recently where one lad ordered pineapple on his pizza and was then asked if he was on a “health kick”


The blue whale is so long, that if you laid one lengthways on a basketball court, the match would have to be cancelled


Thats not a joke.

It’s a joke letting a blue whale onto a basketball court, I mean, how does it even get in the door like?

I ripped this from