The things you buy in Aldi and Lidl thread. (Think before you buy - reduce waste)

this is what makes me laugh about the oirish :joy: their thinking doesn’t evolve, they have to rigidly stick to their backward ideas and ideology, unable to change their minds or develop new thought or a way of life, its why it will never be a proper country


Classic, teflon Tossy.

A post from three years ago :smile:




So three years ago your ideas and ideology were backward? Were you aware of this at the time?

eating meat is for cavemen and Victorians, i have been very open about becoming a vegetarian 6 days of the week, some lads can’t get their head around it

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You don’t have to go back three years mate, this boring flip flopping is a highlight of the forum for some, he’ll have half a pig on a plate within 12 hours to great hilarity

Sure the English have been blowing about the victorians since the victorians

The bitterness is oozing out of you. Could you not just celebrate the day for its European glory.

When are you planning on going back on the meat buddy?

I ate a bit of a Sunday, I am phasing it out completely. I plan to stop eating food completely in around a year and live on huel, we need to rethink what we are doing to our bodies


:grinning: your some man

this where Aldi’s free range chicken comes from, utterly disgusting

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I’d ate that




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Balaclavas in Aldi today.

Cc @theIFSCBrigade


Have lidl also

A slab of twenty four (24) cans of Draught Guinness is 20 euros at the moment in Aldi

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