The Trial of Donald J Trump

I’m googling Stormy Daniels all morning lads and I’m still none the wiser

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I’d say you’re a few load lighter though

I believe this has escalated.

Everyone is guessing before we see the indictment, but there has to be a second crime alleged for this to make any sense. Falsifying a business record is a misdemenor, and probably already oitside the statue of limitations. So they would have to prove a second crime, which most likely is a campaign financing violation (the purpose of the payment was to help him get elected). This would be a felony if they can make it stick.

One has to assume that the Democrats plan is to have Trump as the nominee. Today has United Republicans behind him and even most Democrat pundits are accepting the indictment is weak as Biden’s piss. Bad day for DeSantis.

The star witness on CNN again, are they even remotely serious?

The case is not due back in court until December.
The only intension of these charges is to leave a stink linger with Trump during his campaign.

I see one of the journalists at the tcpurt said he was moving very slow into the courtroom. He looked awful in some of the photos.

I’d say that was him acting the martyr, like Jesus walking to Calvary.

I don’t know? He always tries to put on the big man bravado. Always trying to belie his years. He looked a state at times yesterday. Some photos showing his hair hanging off him.

Trump is too alpha to appear weak ever

I saw somewhere on twitter (nawful place) that the nypd have his official weight as 270 lbs.

If true, this what will hurt him the most.

That’ll sting his superman ego.

The sweat probably melted the toupee glue

His suit collar stained with cosmetics. An awful look

The big crowds coming out for the Donald didn’t really materialise. His star might be starting to wane. Once it does all the Republicans will get stuck in and another loon will take his place for the 2024 run.

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Fixed that for you.


The Obama girls were there to watch him head in, as was a Biden. That’ll have meant a lot.

If Putin went for the Republican nomination he’d be a shoo-in.

Fascism is as fascism does

Is she a clinton or biden campaign manager?

Bad bad business. Don Jr should be arrested.