[quote=“north county corncrake”]if internet rumours are to be believed then
bohs casuals have lads from wrexham & celtic over to attack the rovers fans who have clifftonville fans with them- some bohs casual is a rat though & the police are well prepared for it:D:D
you have to love the hype & the bravado behind these games
Say hello to the Cardiff and Dutch who are over with Rovers NCC, not to mention the 3 poor unfortunate Rovers who were arrested after the Cliftonville game last Saturday, a game they were attending instead of going to the Sligo-Rovers game in Sligo. Here is what some people on the Irish League forum had to say about the Rovers fans who went up to Belfast for the day:
All true mate property and cars damaged in the village by C’ville and their rent-a-mob from Dublin,also trouble at W’spoon’s and arrests made in Queen St
Where’s all the media coverage about this…
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Originally Posted by Crumlin Reds
My guess: The people in charge of organising it forgot to bring the CD again.
Didn’t hear about any trouble until I read this thread. I know Rovers fans were at the game as I was slegging them that the Bohs are the only team in Dublin. They seemed friendly enough though, but if these rumours are to be believed then they are not welcome at Reds matches in the future.
It’s hardly the first time that crowd have been involved in similar incidents.
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Sorry to hear there was trouble…hate to hear of any trouble after games involving ANY fans…as many have said though it’s not the first time Shamrock Rvrs have been involved in trouble up here and in ROI…if it had been Glentoran or Linfield fans it would have been headline news with Mr Nolan getting sexually excited waiting for his next radio show.
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I was one of the last ones out of Winsdor yesterday, and the Boucher Rd was sealed off with a line of coppers.
Don’t know if any trouble did happen, but I personally can’t stand those Shamrock Rovers b*****ds anyway, and let a couple of them know it yesterday before the match in the bar up the Boucher Road.
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Originally Posted by Shankill_Blues
Out of curiousity why do they come to Cliftonville games mate?
A quick guess would be to act the fen*an f**wit up North.
There is very little love for them among Reds.
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Originally Posted by kingtino
the rumour was started here
There is no rumour it happened,im from the village and got a phonecall around half 6 from a friend who was there in Glenmachen St with it all kicked off,the police then pushed the ***** up Broadway and then into the town.
There’s photograph’s taken of them at Glenmachen St and the same one’s who started outside W’spoons.
I’ll post them up later if you still think it’s rumours.
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Originally Posted by Mr_Parker
Not like you to avoid answering a question.
I acknowledge, and respect, that many supporters at Cliftonville FC do their level best to protect the reputation of the Club - this involves reminding people to behave themselves.
That does not deflect from the point - there is a “love in” between sections of the Cliftonville support and Shamrock Rovers Ultras.
This includes prominent Reds fans.
This flies in the face of Belfast Casual’s earlier comments:
“There is very little love for them among Reds”
On the contrary, it seems they are welcomed by Reds men.
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Originally Posted by Mr_Parker
I don’t know, do they? What’s your evidence that every Rovers fan who comes to watch Cliftonville does so for that reason? Some may do that but that is not unique to Rovers, but maybe you can tell us about the various fans from clubs in England and Scotland who come over to Linfield games and what their motives are for doing so? I’m no supporter of Rovers myself. I follow Dundalks fortunes.
I’m pretty sure that you know that they don’t, and that you know the exact reason why some - if not most - of the Shamrock Rovers Ultras attach themselves to Cliftonville.
Your disingenuity and attempts at deflection, as ever, do you and your club no credit.
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It is a matter of fact that Rovers fans attending Cliftonville games have been involved in trouble when doing so. This is accepted by some of your own supporters who have therefore no time for Rovers. On the very few occasions when a few Drogheda supporters attended our games there is no history of such things happening, or indeed of there being any trouble on the few occasions that Linfield have been down there. But continue to deny and deflect Mr P, with a visit to Drogheda being a prime example of that I suppose.
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Any matches that Rovers have played with the Drogs, there is always a Cliftonville banner at them…So BC is wrong to say what he did…
Actually dont have a problem with that, but of all the clubs down South Rovers fans cause trouble wherever they go, and fans of other clubs down there will tell you the same…
So its no surprise that they would be involved in a spot of bother after the game on Saturday…