🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

It could have been TFKs Munich Disaster if anything had happened.


The guitar case and the big gomey head were the giveaway.

Snowing away in north south central Cork.


Nice little covering of snow here this morning. Soft enough and easy to drive on thank god as I’ve childer to ferry hither and tither.

Presently bright and breezy here dude. Lovely morning. As far away from a storm as you’ll get.

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Wildest I’ve ever seen salthill.

Glorious morning in Dublin.

We’ve had hail, sleet, snow and glorious sunshine… Got the family out for a brisk walk( cc @anon78624367 ) before the shit hits the fan later.

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Twas beautiful out here in mid east cork until half an hour ago. Had the small one down the swings. Just turned there, lash of sleet.

It’s beautiful again there now

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Wind picking up now in West Limerick.

Strong wind and snowing like a motherfucker with it here at the moment.

Sideways rain is some dose

Sideways snow where I am

Beautiful day here still lads. A bit of a wind but the sun is bateing down

Power gone here. That fucks my afternoon in front of the fire.


High sided vehicle driving in red alert. Deserves it .

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This email just came into me. If this match goes ahead it’s mental.