🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

A glorious afternoon

Lads what a smashing day it is.

Yeah I might go out to back and have a can of cider. As opposed to just opening the window.


A fucking cracker.

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Unreal day, and it’s still like a nice summer’s evening.

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Belter of a day think I’m going to head to the beach. Spanish point is my favourite.

I’ve the rifle loaded and waiting, if I see you passing you are done for.

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I was joking. We are in lock down but Spanish point is a great beach.

Minus 2 tonight. It feels cold out today.

Glorious morning. Typical that the weather is so good and you can’t go fucking anywhere.

Where would you want to go?

Paint a wall, roof, fence or door.

Wash a carpet or floor.

Cut the lawn, trim a verve, pull some weeds or sweep a yard.

There is always tonnes to be done at home but we tend to make excuses to be elsewhere.


Well I’m WFH home anyway.

Still have to set the lawn outside. House is rendered so no painting outside. You could ate your dinner off the floors at this stage. If I was any good to tile I could make a go of one of the bathrooms but I don’t think I’m willing to fuck that up.

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Make a start on the lawn

It was fucking baltic yesterday - but the dry spell is some bollix alright given that we had weeks of shite before this all kicked off

There’s a couple of tonnes of topsoil to put out first

Boom :clap:

Handy lawn so…

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We’d a small drop of rain overnight. Just what the doctor ordered.

I’ve a couple of ton in window boxes around the place


One of the more serious repercussions of this period of incarceration is the effect it will have on the reporting of one of the annual highlights of TFK…

Tit Monday.

We’ll need a directive on this before the crises deepens.

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