@TreatyStones will Dublin escape the worst of today’s weather? I’ve a 50-60 minute run scheduled, but I won’t get a chance to do it until evening time. Please advise.
It’s actually to get really windy for the east coast as the day goes on. Personally I’d take running in the rain instead of the wind any day.
So very windy rather than very rainy but runnable (is that a word?) weather overall?
Wet up until late afternoon, but less rain but still strong winds from around 3 onwards
Stay in the house
You’re like a politician here. Still no straight answer.
You’d have the run done while you were waiting
Potential for a decent amount of wind again next weekend?
Every weather is runnable. It just depends on your mental fortitude.
Asked the same question Sunday, was hoping it dissipates before hitting us.
It was absolutely stunning weather today on the west coast according to my pal (who spent part of the afternoon asleep in a field)
Lovely crisp dry night.
You are a true inspiration and I’ve plans in motion to hopefully see myself lying asleep in meadows etc in the near future.
The weather warning for Limerick has turned into a dry squid.
These weather warnings are becoming a farce.
Anyone report any different?
Pissing rain and windy in north west cork but not orange warning stuff