🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

It was about 2 o clock

Early indications are that it froze nowhere near as heavily as forecast last night. No frost on the windscreen this morning etc.

It snowed here again around 4am but that’s giving way to rain now

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Very dangerous driving now with that on top of icy roads

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Thaw has come quick enough here thankful.

Was talking to guy who was coming from work at 6am and he said the N69 was like an ice rink. Going 5kmph and no control of the car.

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I was on the N69 at 5.30 this morning and it was perfectly fine.Snow on the side roads alright but the main road was perfect

@TreatyStone s pal was probably drunk driving.


The N69 is a long road

@TreatyStones caught telling porkies again.

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Sure he claimed this time last week that there’d be no schools closing

„”his pal”

Rumbled good and proper!!!

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Doing 3mph and unable to control the car…

What a belter of a day to shake off the Christmas blues


A bit out, but looks like a potential storm next weekend.

Wind and rain or wot

FFS sake.

A wind and rain type storm. Looking like there’s potential for a series of storms but not all will hit us and indeed none might.

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Schrodingers Storm

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