The Week of the Pointless 'Days'

Thursday - Arthur’s Day.
Friday - Denim Day apparently.

Saturday - Have a Shite Day no doubt.

Every working day is a pointless day.

Yargh. Me. Hargh.

I’m all for getting Arthurs Day made into a public holiday, not sure why anyone would object to that? I’m sure there’s as many people as devoted to Arthur in this country as there are to St Patrick. :rolleyes: :smiley:

What exactly is happening on Arthurs day

List of Arthurs Day Events

Fuck Diageo.

Thank God we only have to look at those shite ads for another 2 days.

As farmer will no doubt agree, the pubs on Thursday are going to be full of part-time drinking cunts who need to be given a special reason to go to the pub as they’re too bitch-whipped / boring / weird to go to the pub on a normal basis.

Arthur’s Day - up there with New Year’s Eve and St Patrick’s Day.

is there cheap porter on Thursday?

The rumour is out there, but if there was you can be sure you’d have heard of it by now.

If there is no cheap/complimentary drink its a total load of cock.

Cheap drink or not, I think I’ll shun this one. Just not worth it, much like 2 drinks night in Dicey’s. Full of cunts and 4-deep at the bar, no thanks.

thats a fact, the rumours of 2.50 pints if true, would have tempted me to my local for a few but otherwise fuck off.


For a start, fuck them for their stranglehold on Irish pubs.

I think I’ll plonk my arse on a stool in The Sackville Lounge for a few handy ones on Thursday Evening, part timers wouldn’t be found in such an establishment.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Thursday - Arthur’s Day.
Friday - Denim Day apparently.

Saturday - Have a Shite Day no doubt.[/quote]

Just to be clear here, having done some research, only 2 of the days you mentioned exist, Arthurs Day and Denim Day.

2 out of 7 days.

Thats not exactly a week of pointless days, well no more so than any other week.

Ergo, your thread title is eminently misleading.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are ploughing championship days MBB. The way I see it Farmer thinks the ploughing championships are pointless! For shame Farmer, for shame!!


Say it aint so Ben, say it aint so…

Say it aint so Ben, say it aint so…[/quote]

I’m afraid it’s the only reasonable conclusion to draw. Farmer has completely forgotten his culchie roots, he’s become the type of guy who’d rather shop in tower records than have a singalong in his local. Fucking snob!

This is a startling turn of events that will shake TFK to its core, its core I tells you.

If what you have said is to be believed, farmer may have taken the soup.