The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

More people have died from the flu today alone than will die from this virus in its entire run.

The Swine Flu outbreak actually saved lives

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The Wu is coming.

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People were so scared of getting swine flu that the flu vaccine uptake went way up and flu deaths dropped significantly far outweighing the deaths from swine flu

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Swine Flu was completely overblown by Big Pharma to force governments to stockpile their expensive, rushed, poorly tested vaccines.

Yo Yo Yo Yooo Yooo

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Does this affect woo girls?

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Would it be racist to ask a few of the daoine bui to work from home until things settle down?

Wuhan in lockdown.

Nature hitting back at the polluters?

You’d want your head examined to be trusting the Chinese on this. I’m sure the trolley queues in Urumqi are small after all the executions.

The outbreak has been traced to a seafood market in Wuhan. Among the “seafood” for sale at this market are wolves, civet cats (responsible for SARs outbreak), camels, dogs and peacocks.

That says it all


Dem cunts would ate anything.

You wont be saying that if you die from the Wu Han virus man!!!

i am led to believe that the members of the labour party who participated in the illegal pestering of rush main street in the last 72 hours were carrying the Wuhan virus with them in small viles. . Duncan Smith has yet to deny this

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no i meant that they were carrying the virus with them as the small vile labour party supporters accompanying them had contracted the virus. these are the ‘small viles’ i referred to and is a well known local phrase used for labour supporters, similar to ‘blueshirts’, ‘shinners’ etc
if you knew anything about the labour party in fingal this would have made sense straight away.


Have ye eschewed punctuation entirely in Fingal now?