The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

She’s hardly single? I thought one of those unfunny podcasting tipp cunts was riding her

I’ve no idea what her current status is. It’s been about 6 months since I swiped right I’d say.


Still hope there mate. She might have forgotten her password.

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So you’re saying theres a chance…

The Corona virus has been a godsend for the casual racists amongst us, judging by the various Twitter and Whatsapp videos going viral

Did you see the one with the ducklings?




Microsoft are offering companies 6 months free access to the premium version of Teams to assist with working from home (and the fact companies are unlikely to cancel once staff get familiar with it).


Teams is decent tbf.

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Yep, was dragged into using it recently and it’s useful.

You are pulling up videos from swine flu and bird flu now :sweat_smile:

That’s the kind of shite that’s flying around on WhatsApp at the moment. That’s all I was trying to show. Also, the poor ickle duckling crayturs, godhelpus.

Sure male chicks are fed into a meat grinder on birth as standard

Gort N.S closed cc @maroonandwhite

Are ye going to let Fitzy into the county or have ye a quarantined pitch set aside for training?

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Teachers are just looking for a few days off at this stage

Loons on Twitter having a go at Trump because he cast doubt on the WHO mortality rate of 3.4%

The WHO have already said that at least 80% of cases are mild and obviously these people will never go to a doctor or be tested. The mortality rate can only be based off the number of confirmed cases, which is at most 20% of infections. Obviously the mortality rate varies by age group, prior health of the patient, etc.

Based on the above the true morality rate is probably around 0.7%.