The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Previously posted but this is the latest from JHU.

Chinese starting to come clean

All we need now is a 4th person to post a link to this story.

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Apologies, I missed the earlier post.

Happy to oblige.


We are now getting DAILY EMAILS telling us that masks are not necessary and that washing our hands will suffice. I was already a regular hand-washer so this has yet to impact me greatly.

A lot of the Chinese passengers at DUB are now wearing face masks. In a bizarre coincidence, the amount of spit on the floor has greatly reduced


It’s an ill wind and all that

No messing here…

242 dead yesterday alone

The figures are horrifying


Latest update

Cases: 60,416
Deaths: 1,370

I’d be topping up on the Ester C lads.

We’ve just got to accept that Wuhan is going to be wiped out but everywhere else should be grand.

What’s concerning is almost all the new cases and deaths are in Wuhan. Even though the virus has infected hundreds of people in every other province (all 30), it’s not spreading. So they can’t stop it in Wuhan but they can stop it elsewhere. That sounds fishy to me.


This is what I’m wondering too.
It seems to have been very easily contained everywhere else. There has only been a few deaths outside China and not spreading, despite it arriving in other countries that are taking far less precautions.

The spike today was because they changed their reporting model. Previously they were only reporting cases that had been proven by blood tests, now it’s anyone who has been clinically diagnosed whether it’s been proven or not.

I may be very cynical here now, but they’ve sacked the head man today and put in one of Xi Jinpings besties. It’s like when a new CEO comes into a company and he loads the first set of results with all the bad news he can find so he’s clear of it afterwards.
I’d say the spike in deaths was catching up with the real numbers which have been buried all along.


Voice of experience. :clap:

That spike was yesterday, it jumped by over 200. Up to that it was around 100 deaths per day, give or take 10%.

They are now back to that range. A couple of charts here:

Still only one death outside China though?