The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Russia is riddled as well. They just arenā€™t allowed to test for it

The bus down be some laugh
All of us


One of the main reasons I didnā€™t go was because of it and having to cut myself off from kids and family on return and just pure unnecessary risk. Heā€™s at a different stage of life with a very different risk approach.

Iā€™d be passive as I think everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions and deal with the consequences. In general, Iā€™d rarely get too pent up on the actions of others unless they affect my own family.

Weā€™ve had to tell both sets of grandparents they probably shouldnā€™t visit for a few weeks for their own safety which I think they found hard as itā€™s a realisation of whatā€™s happening. Mrs Macā€™s parents would be close to us and would visit every 2nd day at least. She had to teach her mother how to do video calls earlier which was a weird scenario.


Did people physically interact as much? ā€¦ Urban centres are 3/4 times bigger now.

As someone who has been mostly WFH for the last two years itā€™s been hard to get overly worked up about this. Reviewing the cancellation policies this evening for various holidays booked later in the year brought it home a little though.

Am I best getting a belt of this thing now so I have built up a resistance for the next wave?

People lived on top of each other in tenements and ten to a room in rural areas though

Maybe the stats are skewed - they hardly did autopsies on the peasants who died and they died all the time then

Good clean Irish air and a diet of spuds, eggs and milk sorted em right.

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Any of you folk on any community/estate whatsapp groups? Christā€¦ ours becoming insufferable with the local busy bodies pushing various info to everybody. Fuck off. I can follow the news myself


The School Mom ones must be golden

I genuinely canā€™t think of anything worse.

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The very people panic buying. In my mother opinion itā€™s only people on facebook that panic. Shes fuckomg right too


Justwatching a bit of sky news there. The british cabinet shouldbe done for genocide.



I have them shitting themselves with made up texts from medical experts.


People get the governments they deserve

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I drew the short straw as my wife is allergic to such groups. Tempted to leave it but it can be useful on the odd occasion. Security watch etc

About 60 people on it. Same dozen or so always commenting. Some right school teacher type texts in the last 24 hours. Just piss off

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Worse is the sad cunts sending pictures of pints, slabs and bottles of spirits with the hilarious self isolation comment,
Jesus wept


Fucking cunts.

Ross oā€™carroll Kelly got it right

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Just letting lads out?

Sure thereā€™ll be cunts getting paid to get the virus and go in and lick lads