The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

That’ll kill some of the rugby set (metaphorically speaking) to be forced to head to Croke Park.

Major row back going on live in Britain.

No school closures yet. They are about a week behind the rest of Europe.

Clueless Fagan. Making it up as they go. Changed the self isolation back to 14 days.

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The Brits are at it again.

7 days if you live alone. :man_shrugging:t5:

We can’t be talking really

Update from the latest Johns Hopkins map:

ROW cases now well above China (assuming we believe their data), 97.5K versus 81K
ROW cases have gone straight up for past four days, from 50K to almost 100K.
Significant recovery rate in China, 81% of confirmed cases in Hubei have recovered. This is very good news.


I dont think Ireland has even ordered all OAPs to self-isolate yet

@Fagan_ODowd please confirm

ROW cases?

Rest of world

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Right of Waterford.

What about the other 19%?

4 or 5 % are brownbread and the remainder are still sick I assume.

What does recovery rate mean? Back to full health after having it? Does that mean 19% are either dead or still sick?

The Adare Manor is closing until first week of April. Bookies closing too!

They’re (HSE/ Heath officials) giving us a week or we’re gone

Longford about to become the latest Epicentre!

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The GAA offered their crown jewel in the National Interest. :clap::clap: