The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Looks like Dartmouth Square. Dublin 6 blitz spirit at its finest.

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Fair play to kilmalock. At least they can remember paddys day for reasons other than that collapse in croker a few years ago.


Looks a lovely spot.

It’s great to see communities pulling together all over the country — and a few bitter lads like @Ambrose_McNulty @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Gman then banging on their keyboards in anger to it.

We survived Noel O’Gara trying to tarmac our Square and we’ll survive this too.

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Cancelled 5 gigs so he could play a Paul McCartney cheese string from his front door??


more lies

Very emotional.


Continued slow down of cases at least.

The UK are now taking it more seriously than we are.

Without Macnas ye have nothing.

What happened the GAA Community?

There was one in youghal and one in ballinacura as well

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980 posts in the last 36 hours here.


The crusty, hip, woke cunts will probably throw on another oyster or bat eating festival when this is all over.

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Be more in their line to have a wash.

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A Cork man talking about bad Croke Park defeats. Interesting.
