The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Do the media decide policy ?

That’s needed too.

Hopefully some financial reassurances.

If Varadkar doesn’t call for the deaths of millions internationally to save THE ECONOMY, it’ll push @anon7035031 and @dodgy_keeper over the edge.

some inform on facts when their are a lot of rumours going on

I am predicting nothing major. A St Patrick Day’s message on an extraordinary day asking us to keep up the fight.


We need a lockdown. Too many out having a walk etc

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doctors have said to go for walks

do you disagree with the experts?

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A walk is perfectly fine. Its healthy and necessary

Some ape falls over and breaks a leg out for a walk . Taking up necessary hospital beds etc

Sure he could fall over getting out of bed and do the same. Should we all go on drips and lie down for a few months?

The EU decide it. He didn’t even have the power to close down the pubs.

The pubs are closed


Leo is a statesman
Imagine yer man from Cark trying to address the nation


This whole thing is a remarkable insight into the madness of crowds. The “shelter in place” ordered here yesterday clearly said people can go to the grocery store. Yet the stores were crammed last night, people staring at empty shelves and then standing in 50 person lines (next to each other, against the rules) for hours to buy a jar of spaghetti sauce.

I went to the store this morning, there was no one there and the shelves full.

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Shoot the infected on sight.

Basically staying where we are. Ridiculous it’s time to close up shop ffs.

@anon7035031 and @dodgy_keeper would be only too happy to oblige.

Staying together by staying apart or as we say in Limerick spread out in a bunch

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Easy to say when you’re a student