The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

he did well
in delivering any speech you can never ever show emotion the idea is to invoke emotion in your audience and he did it there with the " call your grandparents" line and again " all again grandparent wants to do is give their child a hug" - the idea here is to focus on the virus as the common enemyā€¦ he did that well fair play to him


Anyone trying to convince their parents could show them this video to convince them of the seriousness of this for the elderly

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A great message to the world to finish too

Tonight on our national holiday I also want to send a message around the world that we are all in this together.

To the people of China, Spain and Italy who have suffered untold heartbreak and loss ā€“ we are with you.

To all of those across the world who have lost a loved one to this virus ā€“ we are with you.

To all those living in the shadow of what is to come ā€“ we are with you.

Viruses pay no attention to bordersā€¦ raceā€¦ nationality or gender.

They are the shared enemy of all humanity.

So it will be the shared enterprise of all humanity that finds a treatment and a vaccine that protects us.

Tonight I send a message of friendship and of hope from Ireland to everyone around the world this Saint Patrickā€™s Day


Really? I have a bridge for sale.

Youā€™ll do well to shift that in the current climate

Shur thereā€™s alway gullible fckrs about

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Oh Shur I know, thereā€™s a fair skelp of them on here for starters.

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It was grand. You certainly wouldnā€™t want him giving a speech while waiting to go over the top in the trenches.

I presume that is happening on Friday, hence they want everyone home by midnight Thursday?

entirely different audience and timesā€¦

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It was a watery meandering pile of shite.

Should have let Covenay do the speech. At least he comes across some bit believable.


I was thinking that. But theyā€™ve denied it multilpe times and said it wonā€™t be happening.

Agreed, that was for old dears and women tonight. Weā€™ll see where heā€™s at in 3 months.

Disgusting lack of empathy for Iran

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Did you want an @anon78624367 style wailing and blubbering performance?

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Itā€™ll be Mary Lou in 3 months mate

weā€™ll see where we are ourselves first
this is getting ropey -very ropey

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I wouldnā€™t bet on that.

I didnā€™t say I wanted anything, mate. Thus thing has you very badly wound upā€¦its OK not to be OK.

Where is Mary Lou, mate?