The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

It was a fairly shit speech and any time Leo sounded like he was being himself he sounded like a gimp but I appreciate the sentiment and it should help focus the minds of the country.

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Correct this is key to avoiding an economic catastrophe we are all following the health and safety protocols up to the government and banks to help us all out

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Ok - let’s end the speech debate now as it’s being to divisive … It gave some people a lift and we’ll take that.

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+1. I’m happy for these people.

Well done Leo.

We are all Doireann Garrihy.


Leo, Leo, Leo.

Only 46 died in Clare, the lowest number in any Irish county he was very unlucky.
It wasn’t this man by any chance?

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No he was of Clonlara stock, young man in his early 20s IIRC

The Scotch and the Welch have closed their schools.

Doireann is very funny and age should drop the waaan from clondalkin from her shows funnier on her own

The north will keep theirs open as long as the English do.

COVID-19 could yet be renamed COVID-32 if it kills off enough of themmuns to tip the balance in favour of a united Ireland.


Arlene digging in … place is fucked. We could take all the measures in the world down here but they wont matter if they’re at odds with what the DUP want.

I dont mean fucked fucked, just fucked in general.

Catholic church needs to show some leadership and close all its schools in the north. There could be no 11+ without the Taigs.

Edmund rice would be turning in his grave

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Because they are absolute simpletons.

We need to show love and compassion at this difficult time.

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To be fair, aren’t they just doing what their government tells them to do?

Reading the views of a lot of posters here, that’s what everybody is supposed to do, aren’t they? To accept the word of your government without questioning it?

Leaving certificate postponed until next autumn

Advocates of partition are now moaning the north acts like a different country.


What about all the class time they’ve missed?