The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Polley is a fuckin disgrace.Imagine paying some cunt to write the shit he does.

Good man. Keep on trucking

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Just another Tan cunt :rofl:

Right lads there’s a few things going on in DUB that might upset people. I was (and there’s no other way to describe it) lightly jostled by a “Greek” chap who actually turned out to be Iranian. Thankfully I had the foresight to put a mask on him so I only washed my hands 20 times after it.

More generally, there are, today, American tourists coming to Ireland, either oblivious to our LOCKDOWN status or massively playing it down.


Yanks are fairly oblivious at the best of times

Did you unleash a “can of whoop-ass” on this Iranian chap?

How many of ye have heard 'my best friends father ', has it .

Harris trying to channel Kitchener. The closest he’ll come to that is as a kitchen Porter

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Kids must be hanging off the ceilings at home full of sugar. Fucking chocolate walking out the door

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I heard your mother got it

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Which one of ye fuckers was saying he’d have to be dug out of Ciara Kelly the other night. ( @TheUlteriorMotive ?) You’d want to get yourself tested you dirty bastard


I told him to sit down in my stern voice. I could nearly hear the two Ryanair stewardesses swoon


Will your wife be able to contract it with her herpes. Does it evolve like a pokemon then ,

Virus before mrs stones

Virus after mrs stones .


I had good positions on Romania, Australia, Italy and Poland. We will never know now. Betfair voided the market today. I’d been months building positions but anyway that’s inconsequential in the scheme of more important matters right now.

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74 new cases

74 today