The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


PM Scott Morrison has announced a travel ban on all non-residents coming to Australia, effective 9pm Friday March 20.

Anyone who is not a citizen, resident, or close family member of a citizen or resident will be denied entry into the country.

“We have already seen a significant reduction in travel by non-citizens,” he said. “It is about a third of what it would normally be at this time.”

He said this is an “essential” step to ensure the virus is contained as much as possible.

“We have been thinking to align arrangements across the Tasman Sea and I appreciate the consultation that I’ve had with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in dealing with these issues," he added.

20000 people laid off from Qantas today.

Welcome to post #9326 ditzy

In fairness it’s almost a full time job trying to keep up with this thread.


Closing this Friday I believe.

Thailand looks to be going into full lockdown this weekend.

I don’t like your tone young man.

France falling apart…

Your desire to see society fall to pieces during all of this is quite disconcerting.

Dont be an idiot.

You do seem to have that market cornered alright

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Ohhhh -The ’ I know you are but what am I’ defence … :laughing:

See worse every night outside Supermacs.


Your diet is appalling mate. You need to take a long hard look at yourself.

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Well he’ll have plenty of time now…

I’m a Supermacs bouncer pal.


Oooooooft. Nicely done.

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That absolute dose Ciara Kelly reported symptoms on Saturday. A paramedic called to her house on Sunday and tested her, and she had her results on Tuesday. And then there’s people waiting days to be phoned back, never mind tested like @TheBird. I wonder if some “personalities” are more equal than others. Naturally I wish Dr Kelly all the best.