The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Hurling could be off for the summer lads

If it’s still going by may we’ll have to give up and just go on with our lives

I am seriously concerned that this could arise

It’ll be grand. Kilkenny, Wexford and Dublin will just play-off in a three way competition for the All-Ireland, which, let’s face it, was going to happen anyway.

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Bizarre report here on sky… It’s like they are using corona to attack Europe’s free movement to justify Brexit. They then end up interviewing tans at ski resorts about the virus :roll_eyes:



I dont wanna die

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Herself has the sniffles lads. She is chalking it down to the after-effects of a hen at the weekend, but I think it’s safe to say we’re goosed.

You pray all the time to go to heaven but you don’t wanna die?

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One theory I’ve heard is that far right governments will use this as an excuse to clamp down on freedoms supposedly temporarily, and then never relax them.

A sort of classic shock doctrine.

And anybody who watches the way far right governments work would not be surprised if that does indeed turn out to be the case.

Out of interest, what are the loony left saying, pal?

They’re saying it’s a very bad idea to fire your entire pandemic response team.

Which seems very sensible to me.

But perhaps not to you.

President trump making a great speech here. Sounds like the us have been completely on top of this from the start. Only 17 cases and they are all getting better.

The loony left think any effort to contain the spread of the virus is morally wrong, we should just wait until millions are infected, thousands dead and hospitals and health care professionals totally overwhelmed.

Then they can play the blame game again.


Iv faith in the USA they will sort this . Once trump and his team get a vaccine it will be re election by a land slide . He was specially chosen for this . A calming voice , no bs , no tricks , if this was Clinton shed be looking to line her pockets with the pharmaceutical companies first .

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Funny you say that because the raving right here was making exactly the opposite claim yesterday.

Christ, you eejits don’t know whether you’re coming or going.

One thing it’s definitely not clever to do is to cripple your pandemic response capability and lie through your teeth.

The US is turning into Venezuela in that regard and it kills lads you to see it given how you claimed consistently that wouldn’t happen and how much emotional investment dopes like yourself have in e-fellating their “dear leader”.

Matthew 24:7

It’s killing you trump has saved lives.

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Revelation 13:15